Tuesday, December 21, 2010

begin rant -

EDIT: I have been contemplating deleting this post... not because I feel any differently about what I wrote, but it somehow seems out of place. Of course, my life and my blog may not always be rainbows and butterflies... and the day I pounded this out I was frustrated and confused at things I had encountered (mainly on facebook and other blogs) for several weeks. It was a natural and honest reaction, and for that I will keep her up!


Seriously... I am used to Christians beating the bible over people's heads, causing concussions instead of conversion. It sickens me, and I can understand how those who do not believe in God would think that Christians are crazy, if not arrogant and uncaring. As Ghandi pointed out, "your Christians are so unlike your Christ".

But, as of late there have been more and more atheists/agnostics pouring out the same arrogant and name-calling bullshit. Don't complain about the Christian crazies who judge and make non-Christians feel inferior, while in the next breath you make a Christian (who maybe isn't one of the bible beatin' crazies... myself included in this bunch) feel like YOU think they are an unintelligent pile of gelatinous ooze without feelings, compassion, or sense.

I happen to be a Christian, and have friends and family who do NOT believe what I believe and I love and repspect each and every one of them. *GASP* Also, do not make assumptions about my political affiliations or beliefs, because you may be VERY wrong on many of those points. (a christian who hardcore believes in the separation of church and state... go head, *GASP* again!)

PLEASE people, regardless of what you believe personally... whether it's in God, Allah, aliens, nature, yourself, or nothingness, RESPECT your neighbor. Let's talk about our differences, share information and perspectives, and treat each other as we would want to be treated... with respect and love!

- end rant.

(Also, don't push away friends and family who believe differently than you... sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to see eye to eye, and in those cases you simply have to agree to disagree. Don't allow arrogance, pride, or past hurts to shut out those who love you... )

1 comment:

Holly in Wonderland said...

BLOG BLOG BLOG!! i need some shit to read. :)