Wednesday, March 30, 2011

am i my own worst enemy?

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." - Sylvia Plath.

I think the biggest wall I face when blogging is the fear that my thoughts and words are useless to anyone but myself... why present it in a public place? There are such things has journals (you know, those books with blank pages that you actually write upon without using a keyboard. Their existence seem so very foreign in this computer crazy age)

The topic of why people blog is often covered by other bloggers (go figure!), and everyone sort of has their own take on why they let their hearts bleed out on the net.

I personally think it's a way to connect with others (so that we don't feel so alone), an easy access record of our own thoughts and memories, as well as an outlet for vanity. Yes, all humans possess some iota of vanity. Even you! ;)

No matter the reason, the analysis of
why only keeps me at bay. I want to have the guts to be honest, even when sharing the most mundane, silly, seemingly insignificant moments of MY life.

Over-analysis and self-doubt will imprison any writer, so I should probably end this post as quickly as it began...


I created this blog back in the fall, under a different name mind you. I tried my damnedest to keep it updated, but as usual I lost interest and the page sat idle and alone for many months.

Luckily, life has a funny way of randomly injecting you with inspiration... a need to write, type, scream, laugh... all in front of an audience. Of course, often times this audience is simply a glowing computer screen and a blinking cursor. But hey, I'll take whatever I can get these days!

Regardless, I
have returned, and am bound and determined to truly use this space on a regular basis.

My inspiration? I'm a country gal now!! Really!

Ahh, who am I kidding?? I know, I know... you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl.

It's an adventure, one that I am ready for, and need more than anything in the world...